Scanner and Bandcamp subscriptions
I bought an Mp3 version of a tape by Micah from Puremagnetik on Bandcamp last December and thought nothing more of it. It's been around a while but music just aint doin' for meforthe past few years. I'm back composing myself but the industry is meh.
However while doing a bit of research for the stream I came across Scanner @RobinRimbaud on twitter and he was very supportive of the project, so I checked out the subscription 5 euro a month.
Not only is Bandcamp on to a winner here,
Scanner has maximised it in a way that is inspirational. ;loads of back catalog stuff made instantly available with tonnes of new stuff added each month. If you are a fn of Scanner this is amazing if you are not you should be. Not only does Scanner defy genres he hops across them all bending them to his will while creating a few new ones along the way.
Scanner invented 'Candid Ambient'.