VCVRack, Softube Modular, Cherry Audio Voltage Modular

For those of us not ready to jump into Eurorack, there's always the virtual option. (Personally I'd love to have some kind of system that had both).
VCVRack is free open source and an amaxzing amount of plugins. It doesn't have to be the best ot be the one thatt everything else will be comapred to.

In this regard I would guess that Softube would offer a better sound with libereral use of oversampling and accurate emulations for a premium price. No third party developers but top noth patchers like Buchla.

Bandcamp Friday June 5th

This June 5th is Bandcamp waiver day.

Lisa and I will match our bandcamp  spend with a donaltion to the bailout funds.

The two purchases I'm most looking forward to are

Subscription to the Label: NonClassical


the Digital Discography to Russian Hip Hop Label : RMixed


The Bandcamp Bug!!!

Bandcamp is great. It's a lot like the but with commercial angles as well as community and underground music. As a fresh alternative to Spotify- I love it. It's a great way of getting material for #theConceptMixtape.


In a Live studio I'm not going to be jumping through plugins so generally the plugins I use will be pre loaded and serve a particular function.

Each instance of ableton (there are three) has 8 channels maximum to avoid horizontal scrolling with an apc or push. The main Ableton instance (HAL) has 5 Live templates, all of them are preloaded with reaktor  and a generative patch on channel 4.

I started off by using one of each of the following patches


A ten year old scene based aorund plunderphonics and 90s mall culture and it is punk as fuck. How did I not hear of this before. Well obviously I've been living under a rock past 10 years and that's ok.

Born of bandcamp (think but cool and with payment systems) living on the fringes of legality it usually involves the slowing down of muzak, Jazz and 80s pop classics (often with no other treatment).

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